Grey Goose Vodka 75cl
Article: N299
It is an excellent base for cocktails and can also be served neat in chilled glasses or with ice. Thanks to its very mild taste, it goes well with gourmet French cuisine: foie game, tender white veal, truffles, ratatouille, frog legs, Burgundy snails, oysters and lobster. Olives are ideal as a snack.
Light, clean, transparent.
The aroma is refined, rounded, slightly sweet notes are felt, reminiscent of delicate macaroons.
The taste is exceptionally soft, rounded, achieved through five-fold distillation. The slightly oily texture leaves a long-lasting, pleasant aftertaste.
Grey Goose Vodka 75cl
Article: N299
It is an excellent base for cocktails and can also be served neat in chilled glasses or with ice. Thanks to its very mild taste, it goes well with gourmet French cuisine: foie game, tender white veal, truffles, ratatouille, frog legs, Burgundy snails, oysters and lobster. Olives are ideal as a snack.
Light, clean, transparent.
The aroma is refined, rounded, slightly sweet notes are felt, reminiscent of delicate macaroons.
The taste is exceptionally soft, rounded, achieved through five-fold distillation. The slightly oily texture leaves a long-lasting, pleasant aftertaste.